2009 has come and gone. I could go on forever about the highs and lows and all the in between. Covering the main points would include my pathetic winter, my best two semesters at school, my amazing summer, and so on and so forth. It was a successful year over all but then again what year isn't? I say that if you make it through then it must have been a success. There will always be mishaps and there will always be prosperity. I could surely look back on this year and say it was awful because several setbacks but the good always outweighs the bad. Every single one of my needs has been met. I spend the majority of my time with people whom I adore. Colors that were missing have found their way into my portrait. I have experienced so much joy and comfort, just as I do every single year.
The idea of New Year's resolutions just aggravate me. I feel that if you are going to change something then why is it necessary to wait until the turn of the year to do so. I suspect this is because our human minds can only wrap themselves around linear time and therefore, just as the beginning of everyday, the New Year brings a refreshing start to what is just simply time, which will of course just come and go. Even though I am irked by the idea of New Year's resolutions, I never fail to make them. If I have a job to do you better believe it will be completed and it will be done well. So if there is something of importance that needs to be changed in my life then I do my best. But when it comes to New Year's resolutions mine are all-embracing. For example, 2008: Be more respectful. 2009: Be nicer. So what will it be for the great year of 2010??? Think more before doing and saying. Broad.
The root of my aversion to resolutions is irrefutably connected with my dislike for change. My struggle with change is ongoing and is never easy for me. Maybe, I am too stubborn to want to change my ways. Oh the narcissist that I am...
To be continued...