Friday, December 4, 2009

Time's a Loaded Gun

My mind has been wandering at a thousand miles per a minute after a conversation I recently had. I shared a piece of information with someone which has only been heard by the ears of one. It had been buried in my mind for years, and now it is completely before me.

Is it harder to keep a secret or to tell it? Depends on the secret I guess.

Everybody has a secret. Right? I once heard if you're hiding something, then you are most likely doing something wrong. Maybe some secrets are meant to be told. I don't plan on ever parting with this secret again. Regardless of this intention, now a part of this world knows...

"Secrets are the things we give to others to keep for us." -E. Hubbard


Bailey said...

"The secret is in the telling"...or some (some being Dashboard Confessional...but I'm sure you knew that) say. I think secrets are kind of like lies only in the sense that sometimes they need to be told. ;)

Eva Padilla said...

"Sometimes they need to be told".... Compelling! When I write my book about the intricacies of secrets and lies, I will for sure credit that to you. Now you really have me thinking... So are lies and secrets equally wrong because they withhold truth? This leads me back to my kick of, "is lying always wrong?" And what constitutes a lie or a secret being necessary?

This could go on forever. I'm going to write a book!

Ashlaay said...

This is DEEP Eva. But now I'm CURIOUS. haha. What is this secret? As your bffl forever and ever, I feel out of the loop. I MISS YOU EVA MARIA PADILLA. COME TO ME!

Unknown said...

I recently had a conversation with my Uncle, in which we discussed the phenomenon that is "Post Secret." We discussed the topic of secrets for hours. I'm compelled to share with you what he shared with me. "We're mostly drawn to the people that allow us to share and let go of the secrets weighing most heavily upon our hearts." In my utter awe of this statement and I couldn't think of a truer truth. I think the people we feel the closest with are often the people carrying our secrets for us. I'm grateful there's someone in the world for which you can share this most private secret. We all need and deserve a friend like that.

Eva Padilla said...

Mercy me, Winston. That is quite the insight; it is much appreciated. I guess our secrets are meant to be told, but not just anyone should hear it.